How to give birth faster: tips, advice and natural methods

How to give birth faster

You are at the very end of your pregnancy, and eager to give birth. But now, your baby doesn't seem to have decided to come out. Except you... You can't take it anymore! Full bladder 24 hours a day, false contractions galore... The last days of pregnancy can become a real ordeal. And we understand you. So make yourself comfortable (if that's even possible), grab your best cup of herbal tea, and read everything you need to know about how to give birth faster: tips, advice and natural methods. Let's go !

Prepare your body and mind during pregnancy

Maintain good physical condition

To prepare for childbirth, there's nothing like being in good health, right? So here are some tips to promote a healthy mind in a healthy pregnant body.

Exercise during pregnancy

Good news for some future mothers, bad news for others: being pregnant does not prevent you from doing sports! According to the WHO , you can practice at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week (without medical contraindications). You will reap many benefits, both for you and for your baby. As :

  • manage your weight;
  • reduce the risk of gestational diabetes;
  • improve mood;
  • reduce the risk of complications during childbirth.

Recommended exercises to prepare the body for childbirth

There are plenty of exercises specifically designed for pregnancy. They will help you prepare your body for childbirth. We recommend, among other things:

  • prenatal yoga;
  • Pilates for pregnant women;
  • brisk walking;
  • swimming ;
  • the exercise bike;
  • Kegel exercises.

These activities will strengthen the muscles useful for childbirth and your flexibility. Little extra: they can improve endurance and breathing. So it would be a shame to do without it, right?

Adopt a healthy and balanced diet

During pregnancy, your nutritional needs increase. Normal, there are two of you (or more)! So adopting a balanced diet is a crucial step for your health, and that of your little one.

Beneficial foods to facilitate labor and cervical dilation

Certain foods can help prepare the body for childbirth. We think, for example, of dates at the end of pregnancy, which facilitate labor and dilation of the cervix. Also favor foods rich in vitamin E, such as almonds, which improve tissue elasticity.

Foods to avoid or consume in moderation during pregnancy

Conversely, some foods are not recommended during pregnancy because they can cause infections or complications, such as listeriosis or salmonellosis. In particular raw or lightly cooked products such as:

  • meat ;
  • Fish ;
  • soft, unpasteurized cheeses;
  • eggs.

Also try, if you can, to moderate your daily caffeine quota. Not always easy, but we recommend a maximum of 200 mg per day, or about a cup of coffee.

We give you our best grandmother's tips for predicting childbirth !

Natural methods to stimulate labor

Methods based on hormone stimulation

Do you want to give birth a little faster than expected? Know that hormonal stimulation can be very effective!

The importance of oxytocin in triggering contractions

Oxytocin is, among other things, the contraction hormone. Its production naturally increases during labor. It facilitates dilation of the cervix and helps the baby progress. A great way to stimulate it? Having sex, for example. Of course, no pressure: if you don't feel it, don't force yourself. There are other ways to trigger a release of oxytocin.

Nipple stimulation to promote oxytocin production

To encourage the secretion of oxytocin and provoke the first uterine contractions, the nipples can also be stimulated. This natural method can be done manually, or with a breast pump! As it imitates the baby's sucking, it will send the right signals to the brain, which will release oxytocin. It's all well done.

Relaxation and pain relief techniques

To prepare for childbirth, certain relaxation methods prove very effective. They help manage pain and promote more comfortable work. Here are a few.

Acupuncture: an ancient method to stimulate labor

This practice, borrowed from traditional Chinese medicine, remains widely used to relieve pain and stimulate labor. By targeting specific points on the body, an acupuncture session helps to:

  • reduce the intensity of contractions;
  • improve work efficiency;
  • trigger it (if the term is exceeded, for example).

Homeopathy: natural remedies to promote childbirth

Homeopathy offers natural remedies to facilitate childbirth and manage pain. It helps to relieve the discomfort of labor, to make it more fluid. It is a very gentle method since we simply use diluted substances to stimulate the body's natural response.

Osteopathy: a gentle approach to prepare the body for childbirth

Osteopathy uses gentle manual techniques to improve mobility and alignment of the body. Before childbirth, it can help:

  • optimize the baby’s position;
  • reduce pain;
  • improve the flexibility of the pelvis.

How to give birth faster 2

Position and movement to facilitate work

That's it, the work has begun! During this intense phase, adopting different positions and remaining mobile can be very helpful.

Change position regularly during work

Try to change position regularly during labor. This will help relieve pain, make it easier to position the baby and improve blood circulation. For example, you can:

  • lean forward;
  • kneel down;
  • get on all fours.

The latter will help you reduce pressure on your back. Which is no refusal during contractions!

Use a pregnancy ball to encourage the opening of the pelvis

If you have a pregnancy ball at home: now is the time to use it! Sit on it and make small circular or rocking movements to:

  • open your pelvis;
  • promote the baby's descent;
  • reduce pain during labor.

Walk and move to encourage the birthing process

Go for a short walk to encourage the birthing process. Moving will increase uterine activity and help your baby position themselves correctly. But above all, it will allow you to better manage the pain, and make the work more bearable.

Additional Tips and Precautions

Before trying to stimulate your delivery, it is important to take into account certain aspects to ensure your safety as a mother-to-be, and that of your baby.

Things to consider before trying to stimulate labor

Risks and contraindications

Artificial triggering is not a trivial act. It modifies the labor process, and can increase the risk of complications for the mother-to-be and her baby. The contractions are then more intense, and less manageable. This procedure also requires continuous fetal monitoring. You are limited in your mobility, and the hormonal balance specific to work is disrupted. So, we don’t jump on this solution without having thought about it carefully!

Consult a healthcare professional

Do not hesitate to consult your midwife before making your decision. She will give you advice based on your condition and that of your baby. This will help you weigh the benefits and risks of induction of labor, and explore other possible options. She may suggest detachment of the membranes, a slight help to speed up the process naturally.

Communication with the medical team

To ensure an atmosphere of trust and a smooth delivery, open communication with your medical team. She is here to take care of you. So don't be afraid!

Share your wishes and concerns with the medical team

Discuss your concerns and wishes with the medical profession before labor begins. For example :

  • your preferences for a natural birth;
  • the use (or not) of the epidural;
  • refusal of vaginal examinations.

Why not write a birth plan that you will provide to them on the big day? This will allow you to clarify your expectations and facilitate dialogue.

The role of the birth partner in communicating with medical personnel

Of course, your birthing partner also plays a crucial role in communicating with the medical team. She can help you express your wishes if you cannot do it yourself, for example. Ensuring your needs are taken into account. Or play the role of mediator to clarify the information provided by the caregiver, and help you make the best possible decisions for yourself and your baby.

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You will have understood, preparing for childbirth... It's quite an adventure. But if you put the right ingredients in it, it can really be enjoyable! A little exercise, a hint of a balanced diet, all sprinkled with natural methods to encourage work. And There you go ! However, always keep in mind the importance of patience, listening to your body, and open communication. And you will see, I promise: everything will be fine!

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