J'ai une baisse de moral, d'où cela peut-il venir et comment réagir ? Cycle Vous vous sentez parfois à plat, sans énergie ni envie ? Ces moments de blues peuvent arriver à tout le monde. Mais pourquoi certaines journées semblent si lourdes, alors que...
Découvrez comment le collagène booste la santé de votre peau Beauté Rides, perte d'élasticité, relâchement… La peau est l’un des premiers témoins du temps qui passe. Pourtant, la nature nous offre un allié de taille pour freiner ces signes de vieillissement...
Probiotics and Fertility: Support Your Reproductive Health Préconception You may already know: fertility is a sometimes complex challenge… Influenced by many more factors than you might imagine. Among them, the microbiota plays a (very) important role. But did...
Hair loss in women: forms, causes and treatments Beauté Is your hair thinning and accumulating on your pillow? Are you wondering if this hair loss is normal? Hair loss in women, although still taboo, is a reality for many...
Understanding Pregnancy: Can You Be Pregnant and Have Your Period? Grossesse Bleeding during pregnancy? Don't panic... But don't let it go either! Yes, know this: this phenomenon is still common. Bleeding can be confusing because it looks like a period -...
Libido and Copper IUD: Does it Reduce It? What You Need to Know Sexualité For your contraception, you have opted for the copper IUD or are considering doing so. But one question is nagging you: is it likely to harm your libido? Between promises...
The needs of the body during breastfeeding: understand everything in 7 key points Allaitement Covering your specific nutritional needs while breastfeeding means avoiding deficiencies and contributing to your well-being. Maintaining lactation over time requires feeding correctly on a daily basis to conserve energy. Because...
The benefits of marine collagen and our advice for use Beauté Are you looking for a natural solution to restore radiance to your skin, strength to your hair and vitality to your joints? Then you should fall for marine collagen. Extracted...
Premenopause: Definition, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Préménopause You probably know about menopause, but… Are you familiar with premenopause or perimenopause? A little-known subject, it is nevertheless THE important period that precedes the gradual cessation of a woman's...
Pill and libido: does it have a real impact on your intimate life? Sexualité You have been taking the pill for a while and, slowly, you have noticed a change: a decrease in your libido. This subject, rarely discussed, nevertheless affects many women. Do...
Pregnant, and then what? Episode 2: What happens in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy? Grossesse That's it, you're entering the famous 2nd trimester of pregnancy, often described as the "honeymoon" of expectant mothers. Goodbye nausea and extreme fatigue, hello newfound energy and a rounder belly!...