Choisir le sexe de son enfant : c'est possible ? Préconception Et si vous pouviez choisir le sexe de votre futur enfant ? Voilà une question qui intrigue autant qu’elle dérange. Eh oui, ça ne date pas d'hier : ce rêve...
Les règles en préménopause : leur durée, fréquence et forme spécifique Les cycles menstruels en préménopause, c’est un vrai casse-tête ! Des règles irrégulières, des saignements plus abondants ou moins fréquents, et parfois même un syndrome prémenstruel qui refait surface. Si...
Are Increased Depression and Decreased Libido Linked? Sexualité What if your morale and your desire were linked to a fragile balance... That of your mental health? Depression, stress or anxiety, these states of mind do not only darken...
Perineum and pregnancy: its role, signs of a problem and tips for taking care of it Grossesse During pregnancy, your body does an extraordinary job. But did you know that a discreet actor supports this whole process? The perineum, this often overlooked group of muscles, plays an...
Probiotics and pregnancy: benefits and precautions to know Grossesse What if tiny, invisible allies could transform your pregnancy? Probiotics, these essential microorganisms, play a key role throughout our lives and take on particular importance during pregnancy, where they contribute...
I feel down, where could this be coming from and how should I react? Cycle Do you sometimes feel flat, without energy or desire? These moments of blues can happen to everyone. But why do some days seem so heavy, when everything was going well...
Discover how collagen boosts the health of your skin Beauté Wrinkles, loss of elasticity, sagging... The skin is one of the first witnesses of the passing of time. However, nature offers us a powerful ally to slow down these signs...
Probiotics and Fertility: Support Your Reproductive Health Préconception You may already know: fertility is a sometimes complex challenge… Influenced by many more factors than you might imagine. Among them, the microbiota plays a (very) important role. But did...
Hair loss in women: forms, causes and treatments Beauté Is your hair thinning and accumulating on your pillow? Are you wondering if this hair loss is normal? Hair loss in women, although still taboo, is a reality for many...
Understanding Pregnancy: Can You Be Pregnant and Have Your Period? Grossesse Bleeding during pregnancy? Don't panic... But don't let it go either! Yes, know this: this phenomenon is still common. Bleeding can be confusing because it looks like a period -...
Libido and Copper IUD: Does it Reduce It? What You Need to Know Sexualité For your contraception, you have opted for the copper IUD or are considering doing so. But one question is nagging you: is it likely to harm your libido? Between promises...