Collagen, essential for skin, hair... and postpartum!

Collagen, a postpartum friend

Collagen: this is a word that is on the rise! But do you really know its functions and its little secrets? This important protein in our body affects it on many levels every day, and even more so after giving birth. Ready to become unbeatable?


O collagen, precious protein

Still little known a few years ago, collagen is now in the spotlight, and for good reason, its benefits are numerous and varied. Naturally present protein - and in abundance! - in our body, collagen is found in our bones, our teeth, our cartilage, our cornea, our skin... It is what mainly constitutes the dermis. If we tell you that its origin “kolla” is Greek and means “glue”, you will certainly better visualize how it acts: it allows the cohesion of tissues, cells and organs, by acting like a… glue. It is a precious binder which ensures flexibility, resistance, and hydration of our body structures.

By making tissues more resistant and providing elasticity, collagen is certainly important for the good health and beauty of the skin, but it does not stop there: it regenerates cells more quickly, protects the intestinal wall, stimulates the growth of muscle fibers, reduces certain joint pain and slows down osteoporosis and skin aging. If it is produced by our body and is renewed during our life, we nevertheless produce less of it as we leave our young years (the very ones during which we woke up fresh as dew after having slept 4am, #RIP). After 30 years, it is estimated that we produce on average 1% less per year (use your calculators, ladies) and its quality declines. Smoking, exposure to the sun and/or pollution can also accelerate its degradation. The consequence ? We lose elasticity and tone in the skin tissues.

Collagen, at the source…

We can never repeat it enough: your plates are the primary source of your daily energy and well-being! But due to lack of time, we know that we cannot always complete them as perfectly as we should. To provide your body with collagen, turn to animal proteins (it only comes from animals). Pork, beef, fish and chicken (and even with the skin for these two, it is very rich in collagen), devour! One of the recipes that can boost you is chicken broth. Low in calories, it is a powerful remineralizer and a source of collagen. As there is no plant source of collagen, do not hesitate to ensure a sufficient dose of collagen by supplementing if you are vegetarian or eat little meat.

And one, and two, and three collagens!

There are 29 types of collagen ! Depending on their structure and function, they obviously differ. The most important are types 1, 2 and 3 (1 and 3 are located in the dermis and contribute to the youthfulness of the skin). Small recap of their specificities:

> Collagen type 1: it is the most abundant in the body and is the one found in the skin, bone tissues, ligaments and tendons. While it helps form bones, it especially plays a role in wound healing, skin elasticity and the maintenance of connective tissues.

> Collagen type 2: it is found in cartilage, for which it serves as a nutrient. It is the one which participates in the efficient functioning of the joints.

> Type 3 collagen: this is found in muscles and the walls of blood vessels.

Collagen and postpartum: the perfect duo

Not content with affecting the beauty of your skin (we know that short nights do not rhyme with fresh complexion), of your hair (which can fall out during this period), collagen also activates healing and can therefore also play a role in stretch marks. For all these reasons, it is more than welcome in postpartum, a period when the body tries to recover from the “shock” of childbirth.

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