Iodine and pregnancy: why supplement?

Present in quantity in seawater, iodine is an essential trace element which contributes in particular to normal cognitive function and the normal functioning of the nervous system. Iodine is particularly concentrated in the thyroid gland.

The necessary iodine intake for a pregnant woman is estimated at 200 to 250 micrograms per day by ANSES , compared to 150 micrograms outside of pregnancy. French epidemiological studies have shown that 80% of pregnant women had ioduria below 100 micrograms per liter. Most of them therefore have an iodine deficiency.

What is the role of iodine during pregnancy?

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), iodine is essential for the good neurological development of the fetus and young child. During the first months, the fetus depends exclusively on its mother's thyroid hormones. It needs iodine to grow and to produce its own thyroid hormones, which play an essential role in its neurosensory development. Nervous tissue begins to develop from the second month of pregnancy and severe iodine deficiency can have irreversible effects on the child's brain development.

Iodine contributes to the proper functioning of the thyroid also in the mother. Indeed, the thyroid produces its thyroid hormones (thyroxine hormone T4 and triodothyronine or hormone T3) from the iodine it finds in the body and its diet. An iodine deficiency can therefore slow down the production of these hormones.

Iodine is therefore an ally for the proper functioning of the thyroid, the nervous system and cognitive functions for both the mother and the child. This is why it is important to ensure that you do not deplete your iodine reserves during pregnancy.

An increased need for iodine during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the activity of the thyroid gland naturally increases. From the second trimester of pregnancy, a small quantity of iodine is mobilized by the placenta and amniotic fluid. The iodine needs of pregnant women are therefore increased. In addition, be aware that you are more likely to be iodine deficient if you are expecting twins, if you have closely spaced pregnancies, if you are vegetarian or if you have a known thyroid condition.

What are the consequences of an iodine deficiency or excess?

> Severe iodine deficiency can lead to maternal hypothyroidism, characterized by insufficient production of thyroid hormones. Symptoms of hypothyroidism may include excessive fatigue, weight gain, sensitivity to cold, constipation, dry hair and skin, and problems with memory and concentration.

Iodine deficiency can also lead to increased creatinine in the urine, which can be used as an indicator of deficiency.

In the fetus, iodine deficiency during pregnancy can cause mental and physical delays. Studies have shown that children born to mothers with iodine deficiency may have lower intelligence quotient and cognitive impairment.

Note also that women with an iodine deficiency may experience fertility problems.

> Conversely, excessive iodine intake can also have harmful effects on the baby's intellectual development and cause congenital hypothyroidism.

Do not hesitate to consult health professionals who can prescribe a regular blood test to assess whether iodine supplementation is necessary or not.


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✔️ Replaces folic acid (our vitamin B9 in the form of natural folates covers the recommended intakes).

✔️ Meets the increased needs of women who are pregnant or wishing to become pregnant.

✔️ Suitable for postpartum by helping the body replenish its reserves.

✔️ Free from controversial ingredients.

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L'info à retenir

Les apports en iode nécessaires d'une femme enceinte sont évalués de 200 à 250 microgrammes par jour par l'ANSES, contre 150 microgrammes en dehors de la grossesse.

Where to find iodine in your diet?

We advise you to start adopting good eating habits before pregnancy, during preconception, to strengthen your iodine capital. For this, two complementary solutions:

- Adopt a balanced diet by favoring marine fish or small fish such as sardines, well-cooked shellfish, seaweed. Eggs and dairy products are also an excellent source of iodine. As for vegetables, we focus on spinach and watercress, foods rich in iodine.

The WHO also recommends the daily use of iodized salt for expectant mothers. For more advice, consult our free special Pregnancy and Nutrition Ebook , which will help you compose more conscious plates.

- Choose good quality food supplements that will cover your needs and allow you to increase your reserves, such as our pregnancy multivitamins. Iodine supplementation should be administered judiciously, under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

Furthermore, it is imperative to regularly monitor the thyroid function of pregnant women, especially when prescribing iodine supplements.

What is the origin of the iodine present in BOOME pregnancy vitamins?

Our natural iodine comes from fucus, an algae with multiple virtues. Present in our natural multivitamin, our iodine is directly assimilated by the body. We have favored real ingredients to extract the best vitamins, minerals and trace elements essential for the smooth running of pregnancy and all its stages.

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