The maternity suitcase: its preparation and essentials

The arrival of a baby is a joyful but intense event, which requires careful preparation! And the maternity suitcase is clearly your best ally to approach this period with serenity. It contains everything needed for childbirth, the stay in the maternity ward, and the return home. But when should we prepare it? And what exactly do we put in it? Do not panic. We tell you everything! In this article, find out how to efficiently prepare your maternity suitcase, making sure you don't forget anything for you and your baby. Let's go !

What is the maternity suitcase?

Maternity luggage is much more than just a suitcase! It is the essential element that will accompany you in one of the most intense moments of your life: your first days as a future mother. This bag therefore symbolizes the start of a new adventure. Therefore, inside you will place everything that seems important to you to make your stay in the hospital as comfortable and reassuring as possible. As much for you... As for your baby!

We often imagine a small, light suitcase that we would carry under our arm. But nay. The maternity suitcase, in general, is also the baby's suitcase. It contains items for the birthing room, clothes for you and your newborn, care products... and the essential administrative documents. Each object will have its importance, whether to meet your immediate needs just after childbirth, or those of your child. The idea is that you can have everything you need from the first moment.

Why anticipate preparing your maternity bag?

Spoiler alert: packing a travel bag between two contractions won't be easy to do. This is why we advise you to anticipate the preparation of your maternity bag. No need to plan 6 months in advance either, of course! But already, by preparing it in the weeks before your delivery, you can reduce your stress and unburden your mind.

Yes, knowing that your bag is ready, with everything you need carefully chosen and organized... Believe us, you will give yourself significant peace of mind at the end of your pregnancy! And above all, you will avoid the last minute rush, which could lead you to forget essential elements (like the identity card, for example).

When to prepare your maternity suitcase?

We advise you to prepare your suitcase around the 34th week of pregnancy. This timing ensures that everything is ready well before your baby's expected arrival, even in the event of a premature birth. Conversely, try not to delay beyond the 36th week, as the last two weeks can be unpredictable. And sometimes you give birth faster than expected!

This small preparation period allows you to purchase or order any necessary items that you don't already have at home. And evaluate what you already have. This will give you peace of mind to think about what you will really need at the hospital for you, your baby, without the last minute pressures. Of course, the co-parent can also pitch in and help you prepare the maternity bag, thinking about the things he/she wants to bring as well.

The essentials of the maternity suitcase

So, what should your maternity suitcase include? We have made a list of the essentials for the delivery room, your stay in the maternity ward and the return home.

For you, the mother-to-be, remember to bring:

  • An easy-to-open bathrobe or nightgown, if you plan to breastfeed.
  • A pair of socks (if it's winter) to keep your feet warm during childbirth.
  • A water mist and a sponge to cool you down.
  • Snacks and a bottle of water.
  • Your administrative documents (identity card, vital card, medical file, etc.).

For your baby, you can take:

  • A birth outfit with a cotton bodysuit, a hat, and socks.
  • A small blanket or sleeping bag/sleeping bag, depending on the season, to keep your baby warm from birth.

The co-parent or accompanying person will be able to board:

  • Snacks and water to keep you going during the work which can be long.
  • A camera or your cell phone to capture the first moments.
  • Comfortable clothes, especially if he/she plans to stay with you for the entire stay.

For the stay in the maternity ward

To be at your best during the few days after giving birth, consider putting in your bag:

  • Comfortable nursing nightgowns or pajamas, if that's your choice.
  • Nursing bras (if necessary).
  • Nursing pads (if necessary).
  • Comfortable underwear and specific post-partum sanitary towels.
  • Disposable panties.
  • A pair of slippers.
  • Towels.
  • A toiletry bag with your essentials (toothbrush, hairbrush, etc.) and your favorite beauty products.
  • A comfortable outfit (or several if you are staying for a few days).
  • A nursing pillow which can also be very useful for holding the baby comfortably while you breastfeed or bottle feed him.
  • A small lamp with soft light, for breastfeeding or bottle-feeding at night.
  • Our postpartum products to take care of you from the first days!

For the baby, you can add:

  • Several changes of clothes (bodysuits, pajamas, bibs).
  • A pack of diapers in his size.
  • Baby toiletries (oleo liniment, physiological serum, cotton pads, sterile compresses, etc.)

NB: in general, all maternity wards have these elements. So if you forget them, don't panic! They will provide it to you without problem.

  • A bath cape.

Your companion can put in their bag:

  • Toiletries.
  • A baby sling.
  • A phone charger.
  • A dirty laundry bag.
  • Snacks and drinks to avoid trips to the vending machine.
  • Reading for quiet moments.

This article may also interest you: Grandma's tips for knowing when you're going to give birth

For the return home

Is it time to go home? Yay! To facilitate your baby's transition to your home, consider providing:

  • Outfit appropriate to the season for the journey (pilot suit if it's cold, or a light bodysuit if it's hot).
  • A properly installed car seat to transport it safely.
  • A blanket to keep him warm during the journey.
  • A cuddly toy or small soft toy to hang on his seat to reassure him.
  • Travel diapers if he needs to be changed before your arrival.

For you, the parents, pack a small travel bag with:

  • Snacks and water for the journey, especially if the maternity ward is far from your home.
  • A bag of important documents to facilitate your exit from the maternity ward (family record book, mutual insurance card, social security card, etc.).
  • A list of emergency contacts, including the pediatrician and maternity ward number for any postpartum questions.

There you go, now you know what to put in your maternity suitcase. And believe us: preparing it well is the key to experiencing the arrival of your baby with peace of mind (and a lot of joy, of course). We wish you the sweetest encounter with your little one!

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