For your contraception, you have opted for the copper IUD or are considering doing so. But one question is nagging you: is it likely to harm your libido? Between promises of a hormone-free contraceptive and concerns about its side effects, this choice can raise many doubts. And rightly so, because the answer is not so simple. While some women notice changes in their desire, others (re)find peace of mind. So, is there a link between libido and the copper IUD? In this article, we explore together the real impact of this contraceptive method on your sexuality.
The copper IUD: how does it work?
The copper IUD (or intrauterine device) is a long-term, hormone-free method of contraception that is proving very popular among women. But how does it work, exactly? This small T-shaped object with a copper wire is inserted into the uterus by a midwife (or another health professional, contrary to some preconceived ideas about the IUD ). And it owes its effectiveness to the presence of copper.
Yes, because unlike its hormonal counterpart, the copper IUD does not work by changing your menstrual cycle. Nor by influencing the production of sex hormones (estrogen or progesterone). Its action is based solely on the continuous release of small amounts of copper into the uterus.
Copper, on the other hand, is a natural spermicide: it creates a toxic environment for sperm and thus prevents them from swimming properly towards the egg. In other words, it stops implantation by modifying the uterine lining, which greatly reduces the chances of an unwanted pregnancy!
For comparison, the hormonal IUD works in a very different way. It releases a hormone (levonorgestrel) that works in several ways:
- It thickens cervical mucus, making it more difficult for sperm to pass through.
- It reduces the thickness of the uterine lining and reduces periods, or even makes them (sometimes) disappear completely.
- It can (sometimes also) stop ovulation in some women.
Women who want to maintain their natural cycle will therefore more often opt for a copper IUD than for hormonal contraceptives.
Does the IUD lower libido?
This is a question that we hear circulating frequently! So, we decided to give you a concrete answer. Whether it is copper or hormonal, let's see how the IUD can impact libido.
Libido and copper IUD
You probably understood: the copper IUD does not directly influence hormones. Which makes it an important criterion for those who wish to avoid certain side effects! However, some women have reported a drop in libido after the installation of this method of contraception. Because if copper does not have a negative hormonal impact, certain indirect elements can still affect sexual desire. For example:
- Heavy or even painful periods – common side effects with this method of contraception. This can impact your general well-being, and therefore… libido.
- Complicated periods mean fatigue, which makes it less likely that you'll want to have sex.
- Some women report discomfort or discomfort during intercourse, which, of course, influences their libido.
However, let's note that a woman's libido is not necessarily impacted by her method of contraception. Some IUD users don't feel any of this! Others even gain so much peace of mind that they notice an improvement in their libido. Everyone has their own experience, their own life and their own feelings.
Libido and hormonal IUD
The hormonal IUD, on the other hand, can have a more direct impact on libido, since it works by releasing hormones into the body. And, as we explained, these can influence the natural production of estrogen and progesterone, which play an important role in sexual desire.
Women report a decrease in their libido after using this hormonal contraception. This is due to the side effects it induces, such as:
- mood swings;
- vaginal dryness;
- a decrease in natural lubrication.
These effects can also affect the comfort of sexual intercourse and, therefore, desire.
However, the same song as for the copper IUD: other women do not feel any of this. And appreciate this hormonal contraception for its other advantages, such as... lighter periods, or even absent! Which can on the contrary promote their general well-being and therefore their libido. Once again, it all depends on your body and your sensitivity to hormones.
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Beyond libido, what are the benefits of the copper IUD?
Beyond the issue of libido, the copper IUD has many benefits! Which makes it a preferred choice for many women. Here are a few:
- Compared to the hormonal IUD, the copper IUD does not cause any negative hormone-related impacts, such as breast pain or weight gain.
- It is a form of long-term contraception. Once in place, it can remain effective for between 5 and 10 years depending on the model. Without you having to think about it on a daily basis – practical, right? This benefit distinguishes it from the contraceptive pill, which requires daily and regular intake to limit any risk of pregnancy.
- This method of contraception is one of the most reliable, with an effectiveness rate of over 99%. So rest assured: you are super well protected!
- Once removed, the return to fertility is immediate, making it an excellent choice for women who are embarking on a baby project.
- Compared to other hormonal contraceptives, the copper IUD also offers greater flexibility. No need to remember to take it every day at the same time, as with the progestin-only pill! A relief for those who lead a busy life. Or who easily forget their medication, for example.
- Finally, it does not interact with other medications, unlike some contraceptive pills, the effectiveness of which can be reduced by certain treatments.
You have opted for the pill and you are wondering if it has an impact on your sexual desire? Our article Pill and libido should give you some answers!
What are the disadvantages of the copper IUD?
Yes, who says advantages… Also says disadvantages! And even if the copper IUD proves to be very effective, it has some, which are important to know before making a decision:
- The first (and probably most common) is menstruation: it can be longer, heavier, and more painful. Many women report increased menstrual flow after copper IUD insertion, often accompanied by more intense cramping.
- Irregular bleeding can also be included in this phenomenon, especially during the first months after insertion. So, of course, these effects tend to diminish over time. Nevertheless, they can represent a limiting factor. Especially for those who had relatively light cycles before using the IUD.
- Another drawback to consider: IUD insertion can be painful for some women, especially if they have never had children. The body reacts to this new foreign body with some contractions.
- Although the risk of displacement is low, it does exist. That's why it's important to see your doctor regularly to make sure the IUD is in place. Because a displaced IUD can cause pain, discomfort, or even lose its contraceptive effectiveness.
- Finally, more surprising, but no less important: the copper IUD can have an impact on the vaginal microbiota. A recent study by the Oxford Academy showed that the use of the copper IUD can increase the risk of bacterial vaginosis. Because the copper contained and released by the IUD can reduce the population of lactobacillus (a form of beneficial bacteria) and promote the growth of bacteria associated with infections. This imbalance can cause inflammation and lead to vaginal infections in some women. Although, rest assured, this is far from systematic (and fortunately!). These effects are generally reversible after the IUD is removed.
In short, although the copper IUD is a natural and long-lasting contraceptive solution… Keep all these aspects in mind to determine if it is suitable for your personal situation.
So, what can we conclude from all this? Well, that the copper IUD is an effective and hormone-free contraceptive method. That it is ideal for those who want to keep their natural cycle. But that, although it has no direct effect on libido, indirect factors can still influence it. Take them into account in order to choose THE contraceptive method that will suit you best!