Lyla, 48 months pregnant

Lyla, 33 years old and two children, talks about fashion, food, travel, but above all about natural beauty on her blog Naturally Lyla as well as on her YouTube channel . Today she tells us about her before-during-after pregnancy as an enlightened mother, between fertility questions and a balanced postpartum (yes, fortunately, it exists!).

NaturallyLyla's pregnancy


For my first pregnancy, it took me 7 months to get pregnant. When your desire to have a child is very strong and it doesn't work, when you're in the dark, it's very hard. Waiting and asking yourself a lot of questions is psychologically taxing. Due to my job as a creator of natural beauty and lifestyle content, I am lucky enough to be informed, so I knew how to follow my cycle, I knew myself well, the problem was above all that I had very irregular periods . I quickly questioned myself - after 4 months, telling myself that we needed to do infertility tests and/or that I was going to turn to natural solutions to try to regulate my cycle. My husband quickly took tests. We started with him because honestly, it must be said, it's easier for men, the exams for us being more difficult and sometimes even painful. So I pushed back this deadline for me because I was very afraid, and I was lucky not to go to this stage, because I just had to buy ovulation tests, and in the end the second month of trying, I got pregnant! If it hadn't worked, I would have taken food supplements to regulate my cycle. For my second daughter I fell pregnant on the first try, I was supplemented with vitamins to support the breastfeeding of my first and to keep myself in shape, that must have played a role!


My pregnancy lasted 8 and a half months , for my first, and almost the same for my second child. It was very very very very long (laughs). I didn't like this step at all. Nausea, fatigue, pain, sciatica, swelling, apprehension of the body changing, no thank you! I was slowed down in everything: I only slept, I sometimes had dizziness, major deficiencies, gestational diabetes, everything! And beyond the physical, being dependent on others to relieve your pain safely, asking for help to carry heavy objects, to move around... Mentally, it is also very difficult. Each time, I impatiently awaited my deliveries. My only desire for those moments was to give birth the way I wanted to at that moment, for the medical staff to adapt. I didn't want to start with a fixed idea, and ultimately be disappointed that it didn't go as planned, because that is rarely the case. So I remained instinctive, but enlightened. I found out as much as I could about all the possible positions, all the options available to me in the establishment in which I would live these two moments. I then wrote a birth plan in advance to make sure everything was understood, and to anticipate possible scenarios. My choice was to have some, depending on my physical and mental state on the big day. For the first, it was a dream: even though I was induced, I gave birth very quickly. For the second, it was more distressing because she was in a breech position.


We don't have to tell you this often, but my postpartum periods were perfect. I had no complications, no big drop in hormones, no baby blues. I consider myself still postpartum, even though my first is 24 months old , but because I had two pregnancies close together and I am still breastfeeding my second daughter. Physically, I am at the heart of this stage, and the food supplements are of great help to me. They give me everything I need to maintain physical balance more easily than if I didn't take them. The arrival of a child in our life is trying, tiring, and I think that I cope well with all these upheavals, partly thanks to that. I am on the networks of specialists, naturopaths, I consulted a nutritionist... They helped me a lot on this, and I put all the chances on my side, consciously, to avoid deficiencies and myself. feel as good as possible [ like Lyla, seek advice from a health professional before any supplementation Editor’s note ].

Even if we take the time to cook raw products to make ideal dishes in terms of nutritional intake, which is tedious to do rigorously especially when we have children, we will never have all the vitamins and minerals required to be in shape. Today, it is essential to supplement. Thank you Boome for participating in this change of uses, I am impatiently awaiting the product which will also act on emotional balance during all these stages, it would be great [Spoiler: we are working on it Editor's note!] .

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