What is infertility and how to deal with it?


Not pleasant to the ear, it is even less so for our body and our desire for pregnancy: “infertility” is a frightening word, still full of taboos and preconceived ideas. However, even if it rhymes with difficulties, it does not mean “impossibility”. Today, progress is such that you can be infertile but still give birth. Smile, anything is possible!

Infertility, what is it?

Infertility is the difficulty in conceiving a baby, not to be confused with sterility, which is the inability to have a child. On the one hand we therefore have an announcement of “the path will perhaps be a little longer”, incomparable with “this path is dead end”. During a menstrual cycle, the probability of pregnancy for a heterosexual couple - who have sex without contraception - is estimated at 20-25%. Between a third and half of pregnancies occur after at least six months of sexual intercourse. Thus, infertility is defined - according to the World Health Organization (WHO) - as the inability of a sexually active couple without contraception to achieve a pregnancy within one year.

Although it is still a subject that we do not like/dare to talk about, because it is intimate and often evokes a “weakness”, infertility nevertheless affects many people, men and women. The figures speak for themselves:

> In France, 3.3 million men and women - or one in four couples who have already had a parental plan - are affected by infertility (1)

> In the small nursery section, there is on average one child conceived by PMA in each class (1)

> In France in 2016, 6.9% of women who had a child used infertility treatment, compared to 5.7% in 2010 (2)

Infertility is therefore far from being an isolated problem! Don't feel alone if this is the case for you too. Solutions exist depending on the problem, do not hesitate to seek medical care quickly, to benefit from good advice and start the journey as soon as possible.

What causes female infertility?

As with many diseases or disorders, the causes of infertility can be multi-factorial: medical, genetic, environmental or even psychological. It can come from an anomaly in men or women or from an incompatibility of the two sexes. Here are the most common factors of female infertility:

  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

This syndrome affects approximately one in 10 women. It is characterized by a hormonal imbalance which sometimes leads to the absence of ovulation, and it represents the leading cause of infertility in young women.

  • Ovarian failure

Women are born with a stock of follicles that decreases over the course of their lives, until menopause. It does not evolve in the same way in all women. Female fertility is supposed to be optimal between around the ages of 18 and 31, and the chances of reproduction become almost zero after the age of 45. The leading cause of infertility after the age of 35, it can be resolved by using egg donation.

  • A uterine abnormality

A malformation or absence of the uterus, lesions of the tubes, polyps or fibroids also lead to infertility. A clinical examination will be necessary to determine a possible physical problem and consider possible surgical intervention.

  • Endometriosis

This widespread pathology, but still little known about its extent, can cause obstruction of the tubes and problems with embryo implantation.

  • The rest…

We must not neglect psychological factors such as emotional stress or psychological blockages/trauma, which can also block the body, as well as smoking, weight problems or even environmental factors. And of course, fecundability (the probability per cycle of getting pregnant) declines with age. From around the age of 38, the ovarian reserve becomes increasingly depleted (1).

  • ...and the mysteries!

In 10 to 25% of cases, infertility is not attributable to a specific defect in one of the two partners, and even remains unexplained (2). But it also means that you can get pregnant after months or years of struggle. How many women find themselves pregnant when they didn't believe it or no longer believed it? There are things that cannot be explained, and that mean we can always keep hope!

How to boost female fertility?

First of all, try to take stock of your ovulation period : many women still don't always know when it takes place exactly. So, put all the chances on your side to try it out at the RIGHT time! For any pregnancy project, it is essential to know the proper functioning of your reproductive system, but also of your ovarian cycle.

In the event of pathologies or ovulatory disorders, contact health professionals, fertility specialists, as quickly as possible to find the right solutions. Treatments (particularly hormonal in the case of PCOS) can be implemented to stimulate ovulation.

And of course the progress in terms of PMA (Medically Assisted Reproduction) in recent years does not remedy the causes but can help greatly by circumventing certain infertility problems. Many reproductive techniques now exist and in 2015, 3.1% of children in France were born following PMA (2).

Finally, you can also choose to boost your metabolism by providing adequate nutrients and vitamins in the necessary quantities (because even a balanced lifestyle and healthy daily meals are not always enough...). It is for this purpose that we created Baby Boost , a food supplement for fertility based on plants and vitamins. We have created a booster formula that improves ovulation and fertility, rebalancing the cycle and improving egg quality. It is particularly beneficial for women with PCOS - thanks to myo-inositol and a formulation rich in anti-oxidants. And of course all women planning a baby, who want to prepare their body as best as possible!

Male infertility

Male infertility can result from a variety of factors, including problems with sperm production or sperm quality, blockages in the spermatic ducts, hormonal disorders, or genetic problems.

The causes of male infertility can be influenced by factors such as lifestyle, infectious diseases, trauma, or pre-existing medical conditions. Diagnostic methods include semen analysis, hormonal testing, physical examination, and genetic evaluations.

Treatments vary depending on the underlying cause and may include lifestyle changes, medications, surgical procedures, or assisted reproductive techniques like artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization (IVF). A thorough medical evaluation is essential to determine the best treatment approach for each case of male infertility.

For more details, we advise you to read our article dedicated to male fertility .

Infertility: freed speech (delivered)

Women are often alone in their journey, because the question of infertility is a hidden subject, which is experienced in silence and doubt. Fortunately, thanks to networks, podcasts, free speech... the subject opens up, and sometimes even takes the microphone!

We share some of our favorites with you (and would be delighted if you shared yours with us!):

Instagram accounts:

> The Fertility Club, by @emancipees : Laurène Sindicic is the super host of this valuable three-month program which allows you to promote your fertility, in addition to a possible medical course. Good vibes guaranteed!

> The Bamp Collective : Association of patients and ex-patients of medically assisted procreation, infertile or sterile people using medically assisted procreation techniques. This association is recognized as being of general interest and approved by the Ministry of Health and Prevention.

> @surlefiv : Instagram account created by Marie, who has been telling her IVF journey for years without filter, between laughter, tears and hope, and provides valuable information. She has been a mother for a few months, wonderful news, bringing hope!

> @alifert_biotechnology : online testing platform, accessible to the general public in France and around the world, to understand their infertility and thus save precious time in their parental project. This innovation is led by a team of university hospital researchers from Sorbonne University, Paris Cité University and the APHP.

> @odyssee.fertile : Célia supports and guides her patients through a multidisciplinary program and personalized support in order to help them experience their conception journey more peacefully.

> For those who want to take an interest in the subject with perspective and humor, the Baby Fever series on the world of PMA is on Netflix. The pitch? After inseminating herself one day while drunk with her ex's sperm, a fertility doctor struggles to explain her pregnancy and win back her lost love.

> Finally, for those who want to explore the subject very seriously, the report from the Montpellier University Hospital is extremely complete and detailed.



(1) https://sante.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/rapport_sur_les_causes_d_infertilite.pdf

(2) Inserm September 2019 https://www.inserm.fr/dossier/infertilite/


At Boome, we want to offer you pregnancy vitamins that respect your body and your needs, with products specially designed with ingredients of natural origin. Our food supplements will accompany you through the different stages from your desire to have a child to the complete recovery of your postpartum period.

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