Egg Freezing: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started

No, not all women necessarily want to have a baby at 30! Because today, most of them work. They have important careers. And they don't always want to put it on hold to manage a pregnancy. Or, they simply don't feel ready. So, what to do? Well... Why not egg freezing? This revolutionary technique allows all women who wish to do so to preserve their fertility and keep their chances of future pregnancy intact. Are you wondering how egg freezing works and if it's right for you? Our article explains everything!

Egg freezing: definition, age, rules and price

What is egg freezing?

Egg freezing, also called oocyte cryopreservation, is a process that allows women to preserve their fertility by storing their eggs at an extremely low temperature in liquid nitrogen. It is a safe practice, but it can cause some side effects during the ovarian stimulation cycle such as:

  • Abdominal discomfort or pain during ovarian stimulation.
  • Bloating and water retention.
  • The risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS).
  • Risks associated with the collection procedure (infection, bleeding).
  • Side effects of medications (nausea, headache).

It is important to know that the success rates for women who have undergone in vitro fertilization (IVF) using egg retrieval vary depending on their age. According to Santé Magazine , women under 25 have a pregnancy rate of 27%. Those between 40 and 42 will be around 7.4%.

Why freeze your eggs?

Egg freezing is then recommended before sterilizing treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy, whose radiation can damage the quality of the eggs. It is also recommended if the woman has a pathology that can cause infertility , such as severe endometriosis or other genetic diseases (ovarian surgery, cyst, etc.).

But some women simply want to preserve their female fertility capital. For non-medical reasons. They don't feel ready to have children at the biological age and want to give themselves every chance of doing so... Later.

Psst, we also wrote a whole (fascinating) article on the link between pollution and fertility !

When to freeze eggs?

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) , women's fertility begins to decline after age 30. And it accelerates once they pass the age of 35. That's why some experts say it's ideal to start freezing your eggs before that age.

Who can freeze their eggs in France?

In France, the bioethics law of August 2021 allows all women between the ages of 29 and 37 to access oocyte self-preservation. Each woman can thus freeze her oocytes without any particular medical indication. This is an important step towards women's freedom in managing their fertility!

Would you like to find out about an oocyte freezing process near you? We share with you the list of all the centers qualified for self-preservation.

How much does it cost to freeze your eggs?

In France, all medical procedures related to egg retrieval (hormone dosages, ultrasounds, egg retrieval, anesthesia, hospitalization) should cost us between 2,000 euros and 3,000 euros. But we are very lucky, because they are fully reimbursed by Social Security.

The sole responsibility of the couples: the annual costs of preserving the oocytes, which may vary depending on the clinic or hospital in which the preservation process takes place.

How does egg collection and freezing work?

1. The initial consultation and assessment

The first step is a medical consultation with a gynecologist. During this appointment, the specialist will give you all the information about your preservation process and the different steps to follow. He can also prescribe a hormonal assessment as well as an ultrasound to assess your ovarian reserve and screen for possible infections.

This assessment is very important because it helps determine your chances of successfully freezing your eggs.

2. Oocyte collection

Once the fertility assessment has been validated, and depending on the results, the doctor will possibly prescribe ovarian stimulation treatment. This involves hormonal injections to be given for 10 to 12 days to allow you to obtain several mature oocytes.

Once the hormone treatment is finished, the follicular puncture is scheduled. This is a surgical procedure that takes place in the operating room, under local or general anesthesia. This procedure lasts about 30 minutes. Then, you will be placed under medical assistance for a few hours before being able to go home.

3. Freezing eggs: vitrification vs slow freezing

Finally, that's it: your mature oocytes are going to be frozen! To do this, there are two techniques:

  1. Oocyte vitrification: This is an ultra-rapid freezing technique that prevents the formation of ice crystals. It thus helps to better preserve the quality of gametes. It is currently the most widely used, because oocyte survival rates are higher.
  2. Slow freezing: less common, it involves a gradual cooling of the oocytes. This can lead to the formation of ice crystals that can damage them. The oocytes are then stored in liquid nitrogen tanks until their future use.

How to prepare your body for egg freezing?

If you want to freeze your eggs, you need to prepare your body as best you can to maximize your chances of success. Here are all our tips to pamper your health and fertility before starting the process.

  • Eat a balanced diet: Eating healthy is important to maintain the quality of your eggs. You can eat foods rich in antioxidants (fruits, vegetables, nuts). However, avoid processed foods and foods rich in saturated fats.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: A balanced body mass index (BMI) can promote a better response to ovarian stimulation.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol: Unsurprisingly, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can negatively affect the quality of the eggs. It is advisable to stop smoking and reduce your alcohol consumption before starting treatment.
  • Managing your stress: stress can affect your hormonal cycle. And, therefore, the good quality of your eggs. Try to reduce your stress with small actions that are easy to implement on a daily basis. In short, it's time to start yoga or meditation!
  • Moderate exercise: Regular, non-excessive physical activity can improve your overall health and support your fertility. However, be careful with intense exercise, which can disrupt your menstrual cycle.
  • Take supplements: If necessary, you can consume supplements that are beneficial for ovarian health. Our fertility vitamins for women will be ideal for you!

If you follow all these tips, you will prepare your body in the best possible way for self-preservation of oocytes.

In short, the process of egg freezing is a fantastic medical advancement, as it offers women incredible flexibility in managing their fertility. If you want to start such a journey, take good care of your body and prepare it in advance. This will boost your chances of success and realizing your motherhood project at the time that suits you best.

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