That's it, you're entering the famous 2nd trimester of pregnancy, often described as the "honeymoon" of expectant mothers. Goodbye nausea and extreme fatigue, hello newfound energy and a rounder belly! But beyond the relative comfort, it's also an important time for your baby's development. What should you watch out for? What prenatal exams should you have? And above all, how is this little being inside you growing? Our article explains everything!
The 2nd trimester of pregnancy: dates and symptoms
The second trimester of pregnancy is usually the most enjoyable time of the adventure. The body has adapted, and the mother-to-be feels a certain boost in energy.
When does the 2nd trimester of pregnancy start?
The 2nd trimester of pregnancy begins at the 14th week of amenorrhea and ends at the 27th week. This corresponds to the 12th and 24th weeks of pregnancy, or from the beginning of the 4th month of pregnancy to the end of the 6th month of pregnancy! Your baby is entering a phase of rapid development. Your uterus is getting bigger, as is your belly. And the risk of miscarriage is decreasing dramatically. You finally feel free to say " I'm pregnant " to anyone who will listen! This is the beginning of a more peaceful period, where you can fully enjoy your pregnancy.
What to expect in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy as a mother?
In the 2nd trimester, joy: most of the ailments of the 1st trimester of pregnancy disappear. Goodbye morning sickness, goodbye intense fatigue! You probably feel a surge of energy and the desire to resume the activities that you had put aside. Your future baby takes up more and more space, your pregnancy becomes visible.
However, some physical changes may occur, such as:
- Stretch marks on your stomach, breasts or thighs: if they bother you, remember to moisturize your skin well to limit them as much as possible, with products specially designed for pregnancy .
- The famous pregnancy mask: linked to hormones, it is a hyperpigmentation of the face which will fade after childbirth.
Although this period is milder for most pregnant women, some symptoms may persist (or appear). For example:
- back pain, more common due to the increasing weight of the uterus;
- leg cramps, which may occur at night.
However, if you experience severe pain, or notice gynecological bleeding in the 2nd trimester , listen to these signals, and consult your midwife without delay.
How does the embryo grow during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy?
From the 12th week of pregnancy, the fetus undergoes spectacular changes. From the first sucks to the first movements... Each week brings its share of development!
Week 14 to 17
Week 14: Sucking and Swallowing
At 14 weeks, your unborn baby begins to develop sucking and swallowing reflexes. He strengthens the muscles in his mouth and prepares for breastfeeding or bottle feeding.
Week 15: First movements
During the 15th week, the baby becomes more active. And even if the mother-to-be does not necessarily feel his first movements yet, he is already moving in the uterus. His joints become more mobile, allowing him to bend his arms and legs.
Week 16: Fine hair
In this 16th week, your baby's first hair (or "lanugo") begins to grow. This is a fine downy layer that covers his body to protect him. These small hairs will disappear at birth - in the meantime, they help the fetus maintain an adequate body temperature.
Week 17: Baby more agile
At the 17th week of pregnancy, the baby is becoming more and more agile. He now has better coordination and his movements are becoming more fluid. He is now able to turn his head and move his limbs more.
Week 18 to 21
Week 18: Boy or girl?
During the 18th week of pregnancy, you will probably have a morphological ultrasound. Do you want to know the sex of your baby? Now is the time! Because its genitals are sufficiently developed to be visible. A step often eagerly awaited by parents, which also allows the sonographer to ensure good fetal health.
Week 19: His senses are heightened
At week 19, your baby's senses are refining: in his brain, the parts related to taste, hearing, sight and touch are developing at high speed. The size of his head becomes proportional to the rest of his body.
Week 20: You can feel it moving
From the 20th week, you can finally feel your baby moving. These first little kicks, generally compared to "bubbles", are an emotional moment for the pregnant woman. That's it: your child has grown enough for his movements to be perceptible.
Week 21: Baby plays with hands and feet
During the 21st week, the baby becomes very active, a real little athlete. He begins to explore his environment. He is now able to touch his face, grab his feet. He moves his arms and legs in a more coordinated way, continues to stretch and turn.
Week 22 to 25
Week 22: Baby responds to sounds
At 22 weeks, your baby's ears are fully formed and he can now respond to sounds. If you talk to him or play music, pay attention: he may roll over or move in response! This is also a time when he begins to recognize familiar voices, especially his mother's.
Week 23: Eye Opening
Your baby will practice opening and closing his eyes for the first time from the 23rd week. His irises are not yet pigmented, but they are slowly developing.
Week 24: Her real hair is coming in
Here is the “real” hair! In this 24th week, it begins to grow on your baby’s head, and gradually replaces the fine down that covered his skull. However, it is not yet colored. During this time, the fetus continues to gain weight and grow.
Week 25: Baby hears you
By week 25, your baby's hearing is well developed. It's clear that your baby can hear external sounds, like your heartbeat or your voice. Some babies may even react to loud sounds by jumping! If you haven't already, this is a good time to start talking to your baby and bonding before he's even born.
What tests and preparations should be done in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy?
In the 2nd trimester, expectant mothers must undergo several medical examinations to prepare for the arrival of their baby, and thus limit the risk of premature birth. Rest assured: they are all covered by Social Security.
T2 ultrasound
The 2nd ultrasound, or morphological ultrasound, is generally performed between the 22nd and 26th week. This allows:
- to check your baby's development;
- to assess the amount of amniotic fluid;
- to detect possible anomalies;
- to know the sex of the baby (if you wish).
In short, it is an important time to monitor the healthy growth of the fetus.
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Screening for gestational diabetes and toxoplasmosis
Gestational diabetes screening can be done between the 24th and 28th weeks of pregnancy. It allows to monitor the blood sugar level of expectant mothers. If you are not immune to toxoplasmosis, you will also need to be tested every month, in order to avoid any risk to your baby.
Whooping cough vaccine and immunoglobulin injection
According to the Ministry of Health and Prevention , it is strongly recommended to get vaccinated against whooping cough in the second trimester. If your blood type is Rh negative, you will probably also need to receive an injection of immunoglobulins. This will avoid complications related to blood incompatibility with your baby.
Childbirth preparation classes
From the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, you can benefit from childbirth preparation sessions. They will help you:
- to better understand the different stages of childbirth;
- to learn breathing and relaxation techniques;
- to prepare for the big day calmly.
It's also a great way to ask any questions you may have...so take advantage of it!
The 2nd trimester of pregnancy is therefore a pivotal period, full of changes and discoveries, both for you and for your baby. This more serene phase is also an opportunity to calmly prepare for childbirth… And welcome your little one in the best conditions. Tick, tock: each step brings you a little closer to this big moment!