Can you get pregnant during your period? What there is to know...

We tend to believe that fertile periods are only found in the middle of the cycle. On paper, it's true. But the reality is quite different! Because each woman is regulated differently, with her own rhythm and her own hormonal fluctuations. But then... Can you get pregnant during your period? Is there a risk of pregnancy if you have sex in the first days of your cycle? Come on, we tell you everything in this article. Let's go !

Let's go over the basics: how does the menstrual cycle work?

The menstrual cycle serves to prepare a woman's body for possible pregnancy. It is a fairly complex process that lasts on average 28 days, but can vary between 21 and 35 days. It is distinguished into 3 important phases: the follicular phase, the ovulatory phase and the luteal phase.

1. The follicular phase

The follicular phase begins on the first day of menstruation and lasts until ovulation. During this, the pituitary gland (the gland located at the base of the skull) releases FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), which stimulates the growth of ovarian follicles. Of all these follicles, only one will “dominate” and continue to grow. The endometrium (the lining of the uterus) begins to thicken to accommodate a possible embryo.

2. The ovulation phase

The ovulatory phase most often occurs in the middle of the cycle, around the 14th day. Under the effect of LH (luteinizing hormone), the egg leaves to meet a potential sperm in the fallopian tube. This is THE fertile period of your cycle! So if you want to get pregnant, this is the ideal time to have sex.

During this phase, you may notice changes in your cervical mucus. It becomes clearer, elastic and abundant. For what ? Because it creates the environment that sperm need to trace their path to the egg.

3. The luteal phase

The luteal phase follows the period of ovulation and lasts approximately until the 28th day. The emptied follicle transforms into the corpus luteum, which secretes progesterone. This hormone continues to prepare the endometrium for the arrival of a possible embryo. If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum degenerates, progesterone levels drop, and menstruation begins. It's the start of a new cycle!

Menstrual cycles are therefore natural and repetitive mechanisms. But each woman experiences variations that are specific to her: regular cycles, short cycles, irregular cycles... Therefore, understanding how it works helps to better calculate your menstrual cycle. And therefore to better manage your fertile period to avoid any risk of an unwanted pregnancy.

So can you get pregnant during your period?

Wondering if you can get pregnant during your period? The answer is yes, although it is rare. It all depends on the length and regularity of your menstrual cycle. We will explain everything to you.

Depending on the length and regularity of your cycles

If your cycle is short (less than 25 days) or irregular, the risk of getting pregnant during your period increases. This kind of cycle means that your ovulatory phase may occur shortly after your period ends. In addition, if you are irregular, it is difficult to anticipate your fertility window. So if this is your case, you are increasing the risk of getting pregnant during sexual intercourse.

If you are on hormonal contraception

Are you using a hormonal method of contraception? So, the risk of getting pregnant if you have sex during your period is very low, if not non-existent. Some medications (such as birth control pills) inhibit ovulation and change the uterine lining. However, a simple oversight or misuse can reduce their effectiveness and increase the risk of ending up with a positive pregnancy test in your hands, so stay careful!

If you are not using contraception

Without contraception, the risk of getting pregnant during your period, although low, is not zero. The lifespan of sperm is several days: so if you ovulate early, fertilization during sexual intercourse remains possible. So try to use reliable methods of contraception to avoid unplanned pregnancy.

For example, you can check your cervical mucus or take your basal temperature (= lowest body temperature, when your body is at rest) to identify your fertile period. And thus avoid having sex during these few days.

Can you be pregnant and have your period?

Having your period and being pregnant is impossible

Having a period and being pregnant at the same time is biologically impossible. For a simple reason: periods occur because there is an absence of fertilization during sexual intercourse, and the endometrium deteriorates. If you are pregnant, obviously this process does not occur.


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But pregnancy bleeding can be confused with periods: metrorrhagia

On the other hand, many pregnant women may notice bleeding during pregnancy and tend to confuse it with periods. Also called “metrorrhagia”, this implantation bleeding generally occurs at the beginning of pregnancy (when the embryo is nestled in your uterus).

The case of denial of pregnancy

Denial of pregnancy is a phenomenon in which a pregnant woman... does not realize that she is! She may continue to have bleeding, often interpreted as an anniversary period, and still not feel the usual signs of pregnancy. She can carry it on for several months (or even until the end) without realizing it. But we reassure you, this remains very rare!

So, what should we remember? Well, getting pregnant during your period is still rare, of course. But possible! And it depends above all on the length of your fertile period and the regularity of your own cycle. So, be careful not to confuse vaginal bleeding during pregnancy with your period. If in doubt, of course, always consult a healthcare professional, who will be able to give you reliable and reassuring medical advice.

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