When do cravings start during pregnancy?

Cravings during pregnancy: myth or reality?

Pregnancy is a time of physical and emotional upheaval for a pregnant woman. Among the many changes she may experience, food cravings hold a special place. We often hear about the famous pregnancy cravings, but what is it really? Is this a myth or a reality? How to manage them?

Why Do Pregnant Women Have Cravings During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy cravings are a common experience for many pregnant women, they can be explained by several reasons:

> Experts agree that these cravings are often linked to hormonal fluctuations that occur during pregnancy. Levels of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone can influence taste and smell sensations, which can lead to unusual food preferences.

> According to a 2014 study published by the National Library of Medicine , pregnancy cravings can also be influenced by psychological and emotional factors such as stress, anxiety and mood changes. Future mothers may then feel specific desires to comfort themselves or find emotional relief during this transition period.

> Cravings can also be a way for the body to meet specific nutritional needs. A craving for strawberries can, for example, indicate a vitamin C deficiency.

> Food cravings are also sometimes a way to calm pregnancy nausea or unpleasant acid reflux.

Finally, note that from one pregnancy to another, these sudden desires can be completely different and that they do not indicate that you are expecting a boy or a girl.

When do cravings start during pregnancy?

Some women report cravings as early as the first month of pregnancy, while others may take a while to experience specific cravings. Every woman is unique and her hormonal changes can vary.

According to a study conducted by the University of Burgundy, food cravings tend to appear mainly during the 1st trimester of pregnancy, i.e. between the 5th and 13th week. However, it is important to note that cravings can occur at any time during pregnancy and can even persist throughout the entire nine months.

Desires can also be seasonal. For example, some moms-to-be will crave ice cream and fresh fruit during the summer months, while others will prefer warm, comforting foods during the winter months.

How to manage your cravings during pregnancy?

If you are a mother-to-be and you experience cravings during your pregnancy, it is important to manage them in a healthy and balanced way. Here are some tips to help you:

  1. Satisfy your cravings in moderation: If your current craving is a grapefruit or strawberries with every meal, no problem.
    On the other hand, if as soon as you wake up, your brain demands a big burger with oily fries, it's less easy to give in to your impulses!
    At Boome, we don't really like incessant injunctions, so unless you suffer from gestational diabetes or it is strictly forbidden by your doctor, we cannot strongly advise you to give in, from time to time, to the temptation of these little cracks that are good for morale. And if this need for rich foods is really too frequent, the little trick is to try to favor small quantities: sometimes 1 or 2 bites are enough to calm a sudden craving.

  2. Vary your diet: Having a balanced diet overall remains essential for your health and that of your baby, so don't limit yourself to just one type of food. Try to incorporate a variety of nutritious foods into your diet to meet all of your nutritional needs.
  1. If your cravings are caused by the need to calm pregnancy nausea, know that the feeling of hunger which often causes this nausea can often be alleviated by a little fresh ginger (10 g per day maximum). So the next time, in case of vomiting, prefer a ginger infusion rather than a packet of crisps!

The most common pregnancy cravings for the future mother

Some pregnancy cravings are common, others are more bizarre. Here are some of the most common cravings reported by pregnant women:

  • Craving for strawberries: In everyone's mind, strawberries are the ultimate symbol of those irrepressible cravings during pregnancy. This can be explained by their sweet and refreshing taste, as well as their vitamin C content.
  • Craving chocolate: Chocolate is a comforting and stimulating food, which may explain why many pregnant women never get enough of it during their pregnancy. Others will prefer to jump on the peanut butter...
  • Pickle cravings: Pickle cravings are often attributed to a salt deficiency or electrolyte imbalance. With their salty taste, pickles can help satisfy this craving.
  • Craving for ice cream, regressive foods: Sweet products are a real comfort when you feel a little down during pregnancy. They can bring softness, a feeling of freshness, even nostalgia, in a moment of life when we need to be pampered.
  • Craving red meat: Some pregnant women experience a craving for salty foods, particularly red meats, which may be linked to an iron deficiency. Red meats are an important source of iron, an essential nutrient during pregnancy.

Be careful, despite your desires, certain foods are prohibited during pregnancy, such as fish containing high levels of mercury, raw or undercooked meats, unpasteurized dairy products, and foods rich in caffeine.

It is important to note that some pregnant women may develop non-food cravings, called "pica", which is an intense desire to consume inedible substances. Pica is considered an eating disorder and can include eating dirt, clay, chalk, paper, and other unusual materials.

The exact cause of this condition is not fully understood, but studies suggest it may be linked to nutritional deficiencies, including iron, zinc and calcium.
It is crucial to note that the consumption of inedible substances poses health risks to the mother and fetus. These substances may contain harmful contaminants or toxins.
In addition, they can interfere with the normal absorption of nutrients necessary for the baby's growth and good health.
If you experience non-food cravings during your pregnancy, it is imperative to consult your healthcare professional immediately.

Are there also disgusts in pregnant women during pregnancy?

In addition to cravings, it's common for pregnant women to also experience food aversions. Foods that were once enjoyed may suddenly become unappealing.
According to a study published by Harvard, food aversions during pregnancy can be linked to olfactory aversions, morning sickness or even hormonal changes.

Overnight, some pregnant women may experience a strong distaste for certain foods, which can make it difficult to eat them.
It is important to respect these dislikes and not force the consumption of foods that arouse intense disgust. In some cases, it may be best to look for food alternatives that meet your nutritional needs while avoiding foods that cause strong disgust.

Whether salty or sweet, your cravings will only last for the duration of your pregnancy. Stay attentive to your body, its needs and trust yourself.
And to complete your diet, whether it is perfectly balanced or not, Boome supports you throughout your pregnancy, offering you vitamins of natural origin that take care of you and your baby.

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