You may already know: fertility is a sometimes complex challenge… Influenced by many more factors than you might imagine. Among them, the microbiota plays a (very) important role. But did you know that probiotics can rebalance this precious ecosystem and boost your chances of conceiving? So, whether you are a future mother or a future father… Make yourself a coffee, sit comfortably on your couch and dive into this article! We will tell you why these “good” bacteria are so important for your reproductive health.
Probiotics: what are we talking about?
Probiotics are living microorganisms naturally present in the human body . Often referred to as "good bacteria", they play an essential role in the proper functioning of our body. There is not just one type of probiotic , but several, whether in the form of bacteria (bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, lactococci, etc.) or yeast (saccharomycetes).
Where are they found? Well, in foods rich in probiotics! Like:
- kefir;
- sauerkraut;
- Greek yogurt.
Or you can also take them in the form of dietary supplements.
Why consume them? Because these small bacteria help improve the composition of our intestinal flora (also called " intestinal microbiota "). But not only that! They also work hard to maintain the balance of our vaginal flora (we then speak of " vaginal microbiota "). By doing, for example, wonders to help fight against urinary tract infections . So, know that the quality of your microbiota is very important for your health:
- digestive ;
- immune;
- metabolic;
- and neurological.
In short, probiotics are excellent allies for health… and also for fertility!
Why are probiotics good for fertility?
For female fertility
Because yes, did you know that the balance of your vaginal microbiota plays an important role in your fertility? A healthy vaginal flora , mainly composed of bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus , is essential for maintaining a protective environment against infections and imbalances. These "good bacteria" produce lactic acid , which maintains a low vaginal pH. And thus prevents pathogens from settling.
However, this balance can be disrupted by several environmental factors , such as:
- oxidative stress ;
- antibiotic treatment;
- an unbalanced diet.
This imbalance, called vaginal dysbiosis , can contribute to recurring infections ( vaginal infections , urinary tract infections , etc.) and, indirectly, to a decrease in the chances of conception. For example, studies have shown that dysbiosis of the intimate flora and/or intestinal flora can reduce the rate of embryonic implantation or increase the risks of early complications such as missed pregnancies (or miscarriages ), although these links still require further research.
The benefits of probiotics are numerous! They can, among other things, help the body restore this balance. And repopulate the vaginal microbiota with the right probiotic strains such as:
- Lactobacillus crispatus ;
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus;
- Lactobacillus gasseri ;
- or Lactobacillus acidophilus .
Very clever names to designate these bacteria which:
- support the strengthening of the local immunity of your vaginal flora ;
- help limit inflammation in your vaginal microbiota ;
- help limit the risk of developing chronic infections;
- promote the prevention of urinary tract infections ;
- and thus help reduce the risks of infertility .
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For male fertility
Gentlemen, probiotics are not just for women's health! Their role in male fertility is just as interesting. Because, as for us, sperm quality is often linked to factors such as:
- oxidative stress ;
- various infections;
- or imbalances in the intestinal microbiota .
However, these factors could:
- damage sperm DNA;
- reduce their mobility;
- and therefore their chances of fertilizing an egg.
A probiotic based on Lactobacillus reuteri , for example, plays an important role in regulating this oxidative stress . It acts as a natural antioxidant, and thus protects reproductive cells from damage caused by free radicals.
It should also be noted that a balanced intestinal flora can indirectly support optimal production of testosterone, a key hormone for sperm quality.
In short, a course of probiotics can become an important asset to boost the reproductive health of women… As well as men!
Did you also know that omega 3 plays a key role in fertility? Our article on omega 3 and fertility explains everything!
What can damage your vaginal flora ?
Your vaginal flora (just like your intestinal flora ) is a fragile and complex ecosystem. Thus, several everyday factors can disrupt this balance. And promote the development of bad bacteria or fungi. Here are the main causes to watch out for:
1. Antibiotics
Of course, antibiotics are essential in certain cases. That being said, they cannot distinguish between "good" bacteria and bad ones. Except that by eliminating the entire Lactobacillus family , which you need for healthy intimate flora ... They can promote cystitis / urinary tract infections of all kinds, and not very pleasant.
2. Hormonal disturbances
As always, hormones play tricks on us! And those related to the menstrual cycle, pregnancy or menopause, can affect vaginal pH. For example, a drop in estrogen can reduce the production of glycogen, an important nutrient for Lactobacillus .
3. Stress
Chronic stress can impact your vaginal flora . By disrupting local immunity and increasing cortisol production, it can unbalance the microbiota and make your vagina more vulnerable to infections.
4. An unbalanced diet
What you eat has a direct impact on your microbiota. However, a diet low in fiber and high in sugar could promote yeasts such as Candida albicans , responsible for mycoses. Instead, favor foods rich in prebiotics and probiotics, which will take care of your intimate flora .
5. Inadequate hygiene practices
Using harsh soaps, vaginal douches or even synthetic underwear can also unbalance your flora. These habits change the vaginal pH and disrupt the bacteria that are supposed to protect you. Increasing the risk of urinary tract infections that we could do without!
How to Choose Probiotics to Support Your Fertility?
Today, more and more types of probiotics are blooming on the market. It's hard to choose the right ones! How do you know which ones are the most suitable to support your fertility? Here are some tips to guide you:
1. Choose a suitable probiotic strain
Because yes, not all strains of probiotics provide the same benefits. If you are looking to boost your fertility, turn more towards bacteria of the Lactobacillus genus , such as:
- Lactobacillus crispatus ;
- or Lactobacillus rhamnosus .
These strains of bacteria are particularly effective in helping to maintain a good pH and thus protect against infections and strengthen the vaginal microbiota . A combo that brings together probiotics for the intimate and intestinal flora will therefore be perfectly adapted to your needs.
2. Check the quality of the products
Not all supplements are equal. So, if you want to take a probiotic cure , turn to brands that are transparent about their manufacturing process. Above all, make sure that their probiotics are formulated to withstand stomach acid and arrive alive in the intestine and vagina. This is why products in the form of gastro-resistant capsules often remain the most effective. In addition, it is essential that the cold chain is respected at each stage, from manufacturing to delivery, to preserve the viability of the probiotic strains , which are sensitive to heat. At Boome, this requirement is rigorously respected, which is an approach that is rarely implemented.
3. Choose your own approach !
We often repeat it in our articles: each individual is unique. So are you! The same goes for your needs, which may vary depending on:
- your age ;
- your lifestyle;
- your medical history.
4. Combine probiotics with a healthy diet
Taking a probiotic cure is good. But taking a probiotic cure as part of a healthy diet … It’s (a hundred times) better! Yes, these bacteria work better in addition to a good, well-balanced diet, rich in fiber, low in refined sugars and processed foods.
In short, probiotics naturally support your fertility because they balance your intestinal and vaginal microbiota and help create favorable conditions for conception. But be careful to choose them carefully! And don't hesitate to talk to a health professional. Because with the right approach, these "good" bacteria can become a real asset in your parenthood project!